Human leadership has been compromised. In this one, Ian and Liv reach the conclusion of their two-part series on Heaven's Gate, a religious cult which ended tragically in mass suicide in 1997. This one has it all: full page n...
Friends don't let friends join cults. In this one, Ian and Liv talk about a religious cult that began in the 1970s, "The Class," which barely survived for 20 years until the remaining 39 cult members, along with their leader,...
Just the tip. In this one, Liv and Ian talk about a mudslide/landslide/avalanche that struck the town of Aberfan, Wales, in 1966. Among the victims were children in a school that was in the center of the mudslide's path. Also...
Y'all know the ocean is cold, right? In this one, Ian and Liv talk about an oil rig that sank in the middle of the night during an intense storm. Rogue waves were involved. Did you know they're a real …
Part 2? It's time TWO sit down and listen. In this one, Ian and Liv conclude their story on the Radium Girls in the second part of their first ever Two-Parter. What becomes of the Radium Girls? Does USRC get …
If it glows, it's probably dangerous. In this one, Ian and Liv talk about the Radium Girls, five young women who filed a lawsuit against their employer for knowingly exposing them to a deadly radioactive chemical: Radium. And...
Special Alert: Katie's back. In this one, Ian and Liv are joined once again by Katie to talk about a triple train wreck back in 2005 that resulted in 11 deaths. Fun fact: Costco employees are the best people to …
Maritime safety is very important. In this one, Liv and Ian talk about two ships that crashed in 1917 in Halifax. If that wasn't bad enough, one ship was carrying a boat load (word play) of explosives, all which detonated …
For the record, volcanos can kill you. In this one, Ian and Liv talk about the eruption of Mt. Pelee and the destruction of the nearby city, St. Pierre, on the island of Martinique in 1902. But the volcano isn't …
How much dancing is too much? In this one, Ian and Liv are joined by friend and special guest host Ashley while they talk about one of strangest plagues in history: Dancing Plague. In 1518, hundreds of people in Strasbourg …
Sometimes, "stop drop and roll" isn't enough in the event of a fire. In this one, Ian and Liv talk about a fire that broke out in a sweatshop in NYC more than 100 years ago. Pro tip: if you're …
The most dangerous part of racing? When your race car is launched off of another car and then explodes when it lands on the track. That usually ruins the experience for everyone. In this one, Liv and Ian talk about …
If you listened to the second episode of this podcast and thought, "ya know, that wasn't their best," well you're not alone, because Ian thought so too. In this one, Ian and Liv retell one of their first disaster stories …
In this one, Ian and Liv didn't plan their vacations accordingly with each other, so Dylan fills in as the cohost for a discussion about several different stories of animal attacks. Although, is it really an "attack" if you j...
This is a formal request for all Disaster Hour listeners: Please wash your hands after defecation, urination, and all other bathroom activities. In this one, Ian and Liv talk about the case of Mary Mallon, aka Typhoid Mary, w...
In this one, Ian and Liv start the new year off with another 1800s steamboat disaster. Unstable boilers, faulty repairs, ignoring safety regulations, explosions, all on the good ol' Mississippi! This one has it all. Southboun...
Remember that time the world stopped in its tracks to watch coverage of the missing OceanGate submersible? In this one, Ian and Liv are joined by two of Ian's closest friends: first time guest host Katie, and returning guest ...
In this one, Liv and Ian talk about a circus fire that resulted in the death of over 100 people, and injured hundreds more. And that doesn't even begin to broach the subject of arson and intrigue surrounding the fire's …
Part 2 of Life's a Circus features not only the story of Topsy the Elephant, but Liv's oldest sister and Ian's first first cousin Tricia! (First first, as in the first 1st cousin Ian ever had.) In this one, the …
In this one, Ian and Liv talk about a train wreck in 1918 that tragically killed 86 members of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. To no surprise, this entire disaster could have been easily avoided. Also, Liv remembers being awake...
In this one, the disaster is a human stampede that takes place in Russia in 1896 at the coronation celebration for Nicholas II. Did you know you can be smothered in crowed while still standing? Also, Liv has romantic feelings...
Happy Halloween! For this holiday special, Ian covers a series of UFO abduction stories, and Liv inserts logic into each situation. Also, if you stick around for the full episode, you'll find out what happens when Liv and Ian...
In this one, Liv and Ian are joined by Dylan (aka Ian's best friend) while they talk about the tragedy of Port Royal in 1692. A Jamaican island is decimated by not only an earthquake, but also by the following …
In this one, Ian and Liv talk about a disaster in which public transportation in Shenyang, China, electrocuted passengers to death. Also, Liv's guessing game is stellar. Ian unlocks a new achievement in soup.